When you are signing up for auto insurance, an insurance agent will ask how many accidents and tickets you have had over the past three to five years. It is important that you are honest with them, or your rate could increase when they discover the truth, and they will discover the truth. But this can leave you wondering how an insurance company can determine this information. Here are a couple of the ways an insurance company can determine how many accidents and tickets you have.
Insurance Reporting System
Insurance companies use a reporting system that any insurance agent or broker can access. This reporting system allows an insurance company the ability to see if you have filed any auto insurance claims and what for. The amount of the repairs and who was at fault are just a couple of the things that this type of system reports. This system only works if insurance companies report accidents. Fortunately, most companies use this system both to report accidents and check driving records, though tickets do not appear in this system.
Department of Motor Vehicles
The other way that insurance companies determine how many accidents or tickets you may have is based on your driving record with the department of motor vehicles. You are required to report all accidents, and police officers report your tickets. This is currently the best way to determine the driving record of an individual. This is also the method that employers use when they are hiring you for a driving record.
If you are in need of an insurance company, contact Martin Insurance Team in the greater Evergreen Park, IL area. We can help get you the best insurance policy for your needs regardless of whether you have accidents and tickets or not.