How to Safeguard Your Business Property

Smart business owners will take whatever measures necessary to safeguard their business property. Lax security can pose a risk of theft or vandalism, costing you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars’ worth of damage or loss. By taking the following precautions, you can increase the security and safety of your business property.

Maintain Business Premises

Regular maintenance and repairs will keep your building in good shape, reducing the risk of break-ins, fire or electrical hazards that can compromise your safety. Your business environment should be free of clutter and well maintained to reduce the risk of accidents. Plumbing and heating facilities should be up to par and there should be no risk of water leakage. Good work conditions will increase productivity while safeguarding the safety of employees.

Improve Security

A high security standard will help keep your business safe from theft and vandalism. Hiring security guards can help keep undesirable people at bay. Security personnel can monitor suspicious activity as well as check visitors as they enter and exit your premises.

At closing time, security personnel can check windows and doors to ensure they are locked up tight. Installing an alarm system can also help deter what would be intruders at night.  

Follow Fire Safety Standards

To protect your business from fire, make sure all employees follow your fire safety standards to include no smoking rules. Have someone check smoke alarms, fires extinguishers, and carbon monoxide detectors on a regular basis to make sure this equipment is working properly. Your business should also have clearly defined fire escape routes to help people escape safely in the event of a fire.

By obtaining commercial insurance coverage from Martin Insurance Team, you gain valuable protection for your business property. Contact us today to see how we can meet your business insurance needs.

Why Insurance is a Necessary Investment

When it comes to having a family and career, we often think about our long-term goals alongside our short-term ones. However, often some of the most essential of needs are overlooked. One of these is insurance.

So, why is insurance an important investment for you, your family, your business or all of the above? Insurance is a protection that serves as a source of income in the event that you are hurt or suffer an accidental death and can cover your home, car or business in the case of different types of damage that may occur. Depending on what type of insurance you are purchasing, each serves a different purpose.

Most Common Types of Insurance and Their Purposes

Life Insurance

Life insurance covers your family in the event of your death. It can pay for funeral expenses at the time of your death and should serve as income to cover the loss that your death would create. Often, the payout from life insurance policies is initially used to pay off outstanding debts and expenses. Thus, life insurance policies should cover at least ten times your income. I.e.. if your income is $50,000 annually, your policy should be $500,000.

Commercial Insurance

A commercial insurance policy is a protection for your business and your company. Dependent on the size and type of business that you run, a commercial insurance policy may be required by law. Your policy will cover damage to your business in case of a natural disaster like fire, flooding or even burglary. Further, it may cover disability insurance for your employees. The most type of common commercial insurance is a general liability policy.

Home Insurance

The most common general homeowner’s insurance policy will cover natural disasters. Some of these include fire, rain, vandalism, burglary, lightning and hail. Often, flooding and earthquakes is excluded from a general policy. Thus, additional protection will need to be purchased alongside the general policy to assure that you are covered for those events.

No matter what type of insurance policy you are seeking, Martin Insurance Team can help get you covered. Contact us for a free quote and evaluation of your insurance needs today!

What a Lack of Home Insurance During the Winter can Cause

Some states experience harsher winters than others. Generally, if you live in the Northeast or the Midwest, you can expect to take a greater beating as far as winter weather goes. This definitely is the case for residents of Evergreen Park, IL and neighboring cities who have grown accustomed to dealing with the unfortunate winter weather, whether these efforts are based around protecting their equipment from rust, properly insulating their home from the cold weather, or preparing their property for the potential risks of slips and falls. Unfortunately, no matter how prepared a person may think they are, we at Martin Insurance Team knows that it is never going to be 100% perfect.

In the event that an unfortunate incident occurs in spite of all of the efforts put towards avoiding such a thing from happening, the last thing in the world you want to have happen is for you to be caught with your pants down. If you experienced damage to your furniture or your home’s woodwork from the dry weather, you will have to pay out of pocket in order to get these things fixed or, even worse, replaced. This also applies to things like fencing, tool sheds, and the like. As a bonus, if your home needs to be repaired (such as if a tree were to fall on it), your plan may cover the living expenses you incur during the repair. Worse yet is to have an injury occur on your property; if you are uninsured, you may find that you are stuck with a lot of bills. Medical bills, paying for the person’s lost income, etc.

Martin Insurance Team can get you a good selection of insurance plans that suit your budgetary and general needs in minutes, so come seek our assistance before it’s too late.

3 Reasons Why You Should Review Your Commercial Insurance Annually

When you live in Evergreen Park, IL, it is important to be a responsible business owner. Commercial insurance is a necessity, and there are multiple reasons why you want to review your policy on an annual basis.As your business grows, there may be the need to obtain additional types of commercial insurance. When you first started, for example, you may not have any commercial vehicles. However, you may obtain vehicles during the second or third year of business – and these need to have commercial insurance over them.

Additionally, insurance companies may offer new and different types of coverage each year, which can provide you with additional financial protection for your business.

Increase Coverage

There may be the desire to increase coverage in one area or another. For example, if you have grown considerably and you are doing more business than ever, you may want to increase liability coverage. This way, you are less likely to pay out-of-pocket in the event that someone sues you or injures themselves on your property.

Coverage can be added in a variety of areas. Particularly if you don’t have an umbrella policy, you may want to increase coverage, and it may not be as expensive per month as you initially think.

Obtain a Better Price

You should always want to pay the lowest premium possible. The only way to do this is to explore the commercial insurance costs annually. There may be new discounts that you are eligible for. Costs can vary from insurance company to company, too, and it can be beneficial to work with an insurance agent who will obtain quotes for you and help with the comparison process.

At the Martin Insurance team, we can help to review your commercial insurance to ensure you are getting the right coverage at the right price.



What type of motorcycle insurance is best for you?

Your motorcycle is one of your most prized possessions.  That’s why it’s crucial that you take steps to protect it as much as possible.  While you can’t avoid accidents, however, you can make an investment in motorcycle insurance.  Deciding what type and how much coverage you need can be tricky, though.  To figure out how much you need, ask yourself these questions.

  1. What would I do if I couldn’t ride my motorcycle?  For some people losing their bike would be absolutely devastating.  It would mean that they couldn’t get to work or do the things they love.  If that sounds like you, then you need to make sure to get a comprehensive policy that protects you against practically any scenario.
  2. Do you still have payments on your bike?  If you have a motorcycle loan, then your loan company may require you to carry insurance that will cover any accidental or intentional damage or theft.  At the very least, you’ll want a collision policy that will get your bike repaired after an accident.
  3. Can you afford to repair your bike yourself?  If you are in an accident, can you afford to make repairs on your own?  If doing so would be a big financial burden, then you might want to consider a comprehensive and/or uninsured motorist policy.  This coverage would provide funds so that you could make repairs or replace your motorcycle.

If you live in the Evergreen Park, IL area and you need to get motorcycle insurance, call the agents at Martin Insurance Team.  They have years of experience helping people find the right motorcycle policy.

5 Tips for Choosing Home Insurance in Evergreen Park

Without sitting down with a magnifying glass to read over pages and pages of the fine print on home insurance, it may seem like there aren’t a lot of resources to turn to when you want to buy a policy. It can often come down to the carrier you choose, but there are also a few things to consider before you start the process. 

1. It’s What’s Inside that Counts 

Well, that’s not exactly true. Obviously, the outside of the building matters too, but people often don’t realize that their expensive possessions may not be covered under their policy, especially if that policy wasn’t updated after you bought that new computer or TV. 

2.Start Talking About the Details 

Asking questions is absolutely pivotal in finding the right coverage, and the more detailed, the better. Even if you never experience the situation you inquire about, you’re more likely to feel prepared about what could happen. 

3. Weather or Not 

Earthquakes in Illinois is not necessarily on everyone’s mind, but stranger things have been known to happen. Many weather events like earthquakes and flooding aren’t covered under standard policy terms, making homeowners surprised when they call for help. Find out your odds of experimenting a weather-related emergency, so you at least understand the terms. 

4. Getting More Than You Need

People with tight budgets may think they’re getting away with something when they choose the cheapest plan, but few are able to cope when they have the bare minimum of support after a disaster. 

5. Finding a Trustworthy Source 

You need someone you can actually talk to in order to make any of the above happen. Evergreen has Martin Insurance Team, so give us a call if you need some help with choosing the right policy.

5 Benefits of the Right Life Insurance Policy

Finding the right life insurance policy can have a significant effect on your family, but often people don’t put the time into it before they make the decision. Consider these 5 benefits you can receive if you simply put in a little extra effort. 

1. Short-Term Goals 

Term insurance lets you pick the time period you’ll want coverage, and it comes with a lower cost than most premiums. Those who have children tend to find this to be a better deal, because it allows them to provide through their younger years but not beyond. 

2. Long-Term Goals 

Buying permanent insurance is perfect for those who want that long-term coverage for family at any time, and it allows you to lock in rates you may not be able to access in your later years. 

3. Savings 

When you hear of people borrowing from their life insurance, they’re referring to permanent insurance with a savings component. Most policies will include some type of option with this feature. While it’s not an ideal situation, it’s helped people out of unexpected jams. What’s extra helpful about this features is that you’ll often have an easier time accessing it than you would through other means (mutual funds, 401k, etc.)

4. Ensure Stability 

The benefits your family receives are invaluable when it comes to keeping everyone protected from a financial catastrophe. Their comfort both during the initial impact and beyond needs to be at the core of your decisions. 

5. Building Relationships 

Finding someone you trust to help find a life insurance policy opens you up to a new relationship and allows you to feel secure about what will happen to your family. Martin Insurance Team serving Evergreen Park, IL has the agents to guide you, so give us a call today for a quote. 



3 Steps to Organize Your Teenagers Closet

If you have to wear a hard hat and a face mask when you open your teenager’s closet, its time to organize. Kids, especially teens, are reluctant to throw anything away, so even old and unused items get tossed in the closet, which usually makes it difficult for them to even find what they need. The following 3 steps will help you get your teenager’s closet clean and organized.

Step #1-Remove Everything

The first step to organizing a teenager’s closet is to remove everything that is currently in the closet. This may be a tedious task, but it will help you sort through the closet contents easier. As you remove the items, put them into categories. For example, clothing in one pile, accessories in another pile and paper/memorabilia in another pile. If you find items in their closet that belongs to other family members,such as your old computer or high school yearbook, immediately take these items to a different room.

Step #2-Sorting

After everything has been removed from the closet, it’s time to start sorting through everything. Have three large containers available to put items in as you sort them. You will need one container for keeping items, one of donating items and one for trash. Starting at one of the piles you previously made, carefully go through each pile, putting items into their perspective container. The items that are being donated should be taken to the garage or other storage area until you are able to drop the items off. Take the trash out as soon as you are done sorting through everything.

Step #3-Organizing the Space

If necessary, install an additional rod below the original one for additional space to hang clothing. Label plastic containers to be used for items, such as hair accessories, belts, scarves and etc. Fill the plastic containers with only the items on the label. Hang clothing on plastic clothes hangers and sort them as you hang the items in the closet. For example, put all of the pants together and all of the shirts together. For even more organization, consider hanging certain types of clothing on a specific color of clothes hanger. For example, all of the shirts can go on blue clothes hangers, while the pants are placed on white clothes hangers. Stack the plastic containers on the closet shelf and arrange shoes on the closet floor.

Now that your teenagers closet is organized and looking spectacular, the only thing left is to encourage them to keep it that way. If you notice them not wearing certain items of clothing for a few weeks, ask if the item still fits, if not, immediately remove it from the closet and toss in the donate container. At least once each week, inspect the closet to make sure there is no trash or items piling up on the floor.

When it’s time to organize the closets, it is also a perfect time to organize your home or renters insurance. Contact Martin Insurance Team to make sure your current policy is up to date.

5 Tips To Keep Your Teen Driver Safe

Your teen driver wants nothing more than to be out on the open road of Illinois with their shiny new driver’s license. This is all well and great, but you want to keep them safe. How do you accomplish this? Here are a few tips to help.

#1: Go Over the Rules

House rules should be established, including:

  • When they can drive
  • Where they can drive
  • Who they can have in the car

This will make it easier for them to know what they have to do and how you want to keep them safe.

#2: Restrict Night Driving

A number of accidents happen at night and much of this is because teens haven’t gotten used to driving at night. The IIHS estimates that 40 percent of teen crashes happen after sunset, so you may want to limit driving time to 8 pm.

#3: Reiterate the Basics

Sometimes you have to go over the rules again and again. Always wear a seatbelt. Don’t drink and drive. Don’t text and drive. They have heard it before, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

#4: Establish Punishments

What happens if they are found texting while driving or having more than the allowed number of friends in the car? If your teen knows that there are consequences (and you are going to follow through on them), they will be more likely to think twice before breaking the rules.

#5: Limit the Friends in the Car

Oh my God! So-and-so got her license. It’s been said many times and before you know it, your teen could have four other teens in the car, talking and singing and carrying on. Whether the teen is male or female, limit the number of friends so that concentration is always on the road.

Contact Martin Insurance Team today for quotes and to have questions answered. We look forward to helping you find the right policy in Evergreen Park, IL.

Spring Cleaning Tips for Spring and Summer Weather Safety

When you think of spring cleaning, you probably think of cleaning the inside of your home. Not only is it a good idea to spring clean the interior of your home, but spring is also the perfect time to make some repairs and clean up to the exterior of your home. Spring and summer can bring some pretty intense weather in the Midwest, so it is best to get your home and yard ready for the season.

Roof and Gutter Cleaning

During the spring you may still get some freezing temps. This cold/warm cycle can cause damage to your roof from water freezing and thawing. Most water damage to roofs occur in the spring because of this freezing and thawing cycle. You can help prevent this damage, and other damage to your roof, by making sure your gutters are clean. Clean gutters let the water drain and keeps it from accumulating under the shingles and causing damage.

Check to make sure all of your shingles are in good repair. Loose shingles can blow off in a storm and cause damage to the roof and surrounding structures. Check for any cracked or warped shingles. Cracked or warped shingle expose your roof to water and weather damage. Look for any leaks in the attic or ceilings for signs of a leak in your rook.

Yard and Shrubs

Remove any limbs or other debris that may have accumulated in your yard during the winter. Clean around your shrubs and trees to remove any loose limbs or debris which may blow around and cause damage in a heavy storm. Trim any limbs or branches which may rub against your roof or structures to help prevent costly damage.

These are just a few tips to get your home ready for the spring and summer weather. Call or contact the Martin Insurance Team and ask about homeowner insurance to be sure you have the right coverage for the upcoming spring and summer season.